As Seen in mta magazine

Nothing makes Andrew Tucker happier than the sound of a freshly-tuned engine.

Started in 1962 in the suburb of Lockleys, Tucker Automotive moved to its current location in North Plympton in 1987, and is now run as a one-man operation by Andrew Tucker. As an independent business owner, Andrew is not one to suffer inferior products or tools, eager to always do what’s best for the customer.

Andrew lives and breathes cars and car repairs, and as such Tucker Automotive offers a kaleidoscope of automotive services and repairs, from logbook servicing to highly technical engine and transmission repairs. Andrew takes pride in his workmanship, and seeing the satisfaction of customers as he makes technical repairs that are beyond many other mechanics. Andrew delights in taking care of your car, whether it’s worth $500 or $50,000.

If you’d like to know more about the services Tucker Automotive offers, or if you’d like to book your vehicle in for a service, contact us today.

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As Seen in mta magazine